Aug. 28, 2023
In pics: Traces of late summer at PKU
Greenis the emblem of the departing summer that is woven into Yan Yuan, stretching around the freshly renovated sports center, sprawling across the grey-brick walls, and streaming with the gentle embrace of the lake breeze. Blue is the aura of the approaching autumn that serves a...
Jul. 03, 2023
Photo story | Having fun while learning during PKU鈥檚 finals season
Peking University, July 3 2023: What are the best experiences at PKU? There are probably many answers to this question, but we would get a resounding answer that it is the classes at PKU. Classes at PKU are taught by top-tier teachers, and students can engage in insightful discus...
Jul. 03, 2023
Peking University reopens campus to visitors
Welcome to visit Peking University!
Jun. 23, 2023
In pics: PKU Open House 2023 welcomes visitors after four years
Peking University, June 23, 2023: On June 17, Peking University held its first Open House Day since 2019, attracting prospective students and other members of the public to tour the campus.The Open House activities consisted of three parts, including briefings on enrolment inform...
Jun. 16, 2023
In pics: Donning caps and gowns, graduates-to-be snap photos for memories
Peking University, June 16, 2023: Donning caps and gowns, the soon-to-be graduates gather across the campus with a mixture of excitement and nostalgia. It is, after all, graduation season. They linger around the all-too-familiar classrooms and libraries, ramble side by side throu...
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