Oct. 11, 2013
New single-cell RNA-Seq method deciphers more secrets of human embryos
Peking University, Oct. 9, 2013: A research group from PKU has achieved a breakthrough: they devised a new single-cell RNA-Sequencing (RNA-Seq) method to successfully profile a comprehensive set of transcriptome landscapes of human pre-implantation embryos and human embryonic ste...
Oct. 08, 2013
Professor Zheng Chunmiao receives two prestigious international awards
Peking University, Oct.8, 2013: Zheng Chunmiao, Chair Professor of Water Resources in the College of Engineering and Director of the Center for Water Research at Peking University, has been named the 2013 recipient of the O.E. Meinzer Award by the Geological Society of America. Z...
Oct. 07, 2013
PKU professors elected fellows of TWAS
Peking University, Oct.4, 2013: Three academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences from Peking University, Professor Gao Song, Professor Mei Hong and Professor Zhu Yuxian were elected as members of the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS) at the academy’s 24rd Gener...
Sep. 18, 2013
Guanghua professors shines at Summer Davos Forum
Peking University, September 17, 2013: Innovation, technology, and big data were just some of the buzzwords being tossed around at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting of the New Champions, which took place in the city of Dalian from September 11 to September 13, 2013.Guangh...
Sep. 17, 2013
Professor Yao Maosheng wins Marian Smoluchowski Award
Peking University, Sep. 11, 2013: Professor Yao Maosheng from the College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering (CESE), won the world-known Marian Smoluchowski Award conferred by Gesellschaft für Aerosolforschung (GAeF). The award ceremony was held at the 2013 European Aeroso...
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