May. 13, 2011
“Dare to be Digital“
Peking University, May 12, 2011:A Peking University student team "Yummy Tummy" triumphed as the champion in China Division of the 2011 international video games competition “Dare to be Digital.” Liu Yongcheng and his three teammates will be sponsored by the Scottish Government to...
May. 13, 2011
President Zhou Qifeng's address on “Peking University Day at NTU“
News & Events | About PKU News | Contact | Site Search Peking University, May 12, 2011: Peking UniversityPresident Zhou Qifeng gave an address on "PKU Day" at Taiwan University (NTU) on May 9, 2011. The theme was "Join hands towards excellence." Excerpts follow:PKUand NTU, bo...
May. 13, 2011
“Publish or perish“ in a digital era
Peking University, May 12, 2011: The 2011 International Seminar on Digital Publishing and Cultural Industry, sponsored jointly by Modern Publishing Research Institute of School of Journalism and Communication (SJC) and Chinese Academy of Press and Publication (CAPP), was held on...
May. 12, 2011
PKU delegation banqueted in Taiwan
Peking University, May 11, 2011: Lien Chan, honorary chairman of Kuomintang, Soong Chu-yu, president of the People First-Party, Wang Jin-pyng, principal of Taiwan's "legislature," and Wu Ching-ji, head of Taiwan’s educational administration, banqueted Peking University (PKU) Pres...
May. 11, 2011
Deputy Chairman of European Choral Association conducts PKU Student Choir
Peking University, May 11, 2011: On April 30 and May 1, Jean-Marie Puissant, deputy chairman of European Choral Association and conductor of French National Youth Choir, provided a two-day chorus guidance for Peking University (PKU) Student Choir at Yiyuan. Mr. Puissant heaped pr...
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