May. 12, 2011
PKU delegation banqueted in Taiwan
Peking University, May 11, 2011: Lien Chan, honorary chairman of Kuomintang, Soong Chu-yu, president of the People First-Party, Wang Jin-pyng, principal of Taiwan's "legislature," and Wu Ching-ji, head of Taiwan’s educational administration, banqueted Peking University (PKU) Pres...
May. 11, 2011
Deputy Chairman of European Choral Association conducts PKU Student Choir
Peking University, May 11, 2011: On April 30 and May 1, Jean-Marie Puissant, deputy chairman of European Choral Association and conductor of French National Youth Choir, provided a two-day chorus guidance for Peking University (PKU) Student Choir at Yiyuan. Mr. Puissant heaped pr...
May. 11, 2011
PKUers to Taiwan: A trip for academic, cultural exchange
News & Events | About PKU News | Contact | Site Search Peking University, May 9, 2011: A 134-member Peking University delegation, the largest in PKU’s inter-university communication history, is paying a visitto Taiwan from May 8 to 15.The visit, led by PKUPresident Zhou Qifen...
May. 07, 2011
Alumni Family Day held at PKU
Peking University, May 7, 2011: Nearly one hundred alumni returned to Peking University (PKU) with their children to revisit Yanyuan on the morning of May 2, which was the Alumni Family Day. The activity was organized by PKU Alumni Office and PKU Alumni Association. Among the alu...
May. 02, 2011
PKU Honorary Trustee Lee Shau Kee visits PKU
News & Events|About PKU News|Contact|Site Search Peking University, Apr. 28, 2011: Lee Shau Kee, honorary trustee of Peking University (PKU) and chairman of Henderson Land Development Company Limited, visited PKU on April 23.Enjoying a high reputation as a patriotic Hong Kong...
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