May. 11, 2009
Full-Scale Prevention and Control of H1N1 Flu Carried Out by PKU People’s Hospital
PekingUniversity, May 8th, 2009: The recent outbreak of the H1N1 Swine Flu in the US and Mexico has been announced to be “the most globally effective public sanitation emergency situation” by the World Health Organization (WHO). It’s said the virus could spread air born germsand...
May. 08, 2009
Movie “Meng Er-dong“ Premieres in PKU
Peking University, Beijing, May 7th, 2009: The opening ceremony of the movie "Meng Er-dong", which reflects the touching stories of the national model teacher Meng Er-dong, was held in the PKU Centennial Commemorative Hall on May 6th. The ceremony was hosted by Zhao Weimin, Press...
May. 07, 2009
Research Achievements of School of Life Sciences Win International Recognition
Peking University. Beijing. May 6, 2009: since January, 2009, the School of Life Sciences, Peking University, has published three papers on Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), achieving outstanding scientific results on the cont...
May. 07, 2009
Fields Medal Winner Prof. Andrei Okounkov Delivers Speech at PKU
Peking University, Beijing, May 5, 2009: This morning, Fields Medal winner Prof. Andrei Okounkov delivered a speech "the Most Random of All Possible Worlds" in the Yingjie Overseas Exchange center. Prof. Tian Gang, Director of Beijing International Center for Mathematical Researc...
May. 05, 2009
PKU Held Leading Group Meeting for International Promotion of the Chinese Language
Peking University, Beijing, May 4, 2009: The leading group meeting for international promotion of the Chinese language was held at Peking University (PKU) on April 23, hosted by Prof. Yang He, Vice-Secretary of CPC PKU Committee. Prof. Zhang Guoyou, Vice-President of PKU, togethe...
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