May. 21, 2018
[120th Anniversary Special] Dr. Kailash Narayan Tiwari: a Hindi Practitioner
Peking University, May 21, 2018: In February 2017, Dr. Kailash Narayan Tiwari of University of Delhi, researching on Hindi literature in perspective of its national, historical, and social values, was sent to Peking University by Indian Council for Culture Relations. Since then...
May. 02, 2018
[120th Anniversary Special] Baron Alexander von Staël-Holstein : a dedicated Sanskrit scholar
Peking University, May 2, 2018: In his “A Personal Tribute” in memory of Baron Holstein, William Lewisohn, the author of In Search of Old Peking, commented that the late Baron “was representative of a type that is fast disappearing: a gentleman of the old school...
Apr. 30, 2018
[120th Anniversary Special] Dr. Hendrikus van Wijlick: Western Classical Studies in China
Peking University, April 25, 2018: In 2014, Dr. Hendrikus van Wijlick, a Dutch historian, decided to take a job at Peking University. Four years later, he has taught ancient Western history, Latin, and ancient Greek to numerous students and has helped to establish the first stand...
Apr. 24, 2018
[120th Anniversary Special] Amadeus William Grabau: the father of Chinese paleontology
Peking University, April 24, 2018:“What makes a university great is not the buildings but the scholars and masters it has”, said Mei Yiqi during his inauguration speech at Tsinghua University in 1931. The line has since then influenced Chinese higher education greatly...
Mar. 30, 2018
Pei Jian: a teacher and a mentor
Peking University, March 30, 2018: Recently, professor Pei Jian of PKU’s College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering was honored aspart of the 22nd cohort of "Most Popular Professors" awardees. This award was founded in 1996 and, since then, the ten most popula...
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