[Webinar] Build Your Career with AIIB
Do you want to make a difference? Are you interested in developing and implementing infrastructure projects and working in the field of sustainable development? Do you want to work on projects that have a global impact? As a multilateral development bank based...
[Lecture] Integrative analysis of dsscending pain modutation pathways
Speaker: Prof. Xiaoke Chen, Daparimertt of Biology, Stanford UtiersityHost: Dr.Yulong Li, Peking-Tsinghua Canter for Life SciencesStudent host: Xinyang YiTime: 9:30-11:30 am, October 27 (Thussday), 2022, GMT+8Venue: Zoom Meeting ID:890 4997 3494 Password: 8888...
[Lecture] Humane: How the United States Abandoned Peace and Reinvented War
Speaker: Prof. Samuel Moyn, Yale UniversityHost: Prof. Chen Yifeng, School of Law, Peking UniversityTime: 19:00-21:00 pm, October 26, 2022, GMT+8Venue: Zoom Meeting ID: 871 5897 8731Biopgraphy:Samuel Moyn is Chancellor Kent Professor of Law and History at Yale...
[Lecture] Software Engineering Education, What And Why
Speaker: Prof.David Lorge Parnas, Fellow of the Royal Society of CanadaHost: Prof. Hu Zhenjiang, Prof. Zhang Jiang, School of Computer ScienceTime: 9:00-11:00 am, October 26, 2022, GMT+8Venue: Zoom Meeting ID: 835 3914 3592 Password: 20221001Abstract:Software...
[Lecture] World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia an...
Speaker: Prof. Randall F. Mason, the Graduate Program in Historic Preservation City & Regional Planning, University of PennsylvaniaTime1 Mapping the Issue of Values: 9:00 am, October 25, 2022, GMT+82 Values and Sustainability: 10:00 am, November 8, 2022, G...
[Lecture] The Robotics Part of Micro and Nano Robots
Speaker: Prof. Brad Nelson, ETH ZürichHost: Dr. Huang Tianyun, College of EngineeringTime: 10:00-11:30 am, October 21, 2022, GMT+8Venue: Zoom Meeting ID: 948 0217 7694 Password: 090054Abstract:Micro and nano robots have made great strides since becoming a focu...
[Forum] Turning Down the Temperature: How the Finance Industry is Impacting...
Moderator: Stephanie KaterPanelists: Mr. Qi Bin, Mr. Bob Mann, Mr. James NGTime: 8:00 am, October 21 (Friday), 2022, GMT+8Venue: Zoom Meeting (scan the QR code to register)Abstract:As climate concerns accelerate and trillions of dollars are managed with a clim...
[Lecture] Singular Weyl's law with Ricci curvature bounded below
Speaker: Xianzhe Dai, University of California, Santa BarbaraTime: 20:00-21:00 pm, October 20, 2022, GMT+8Venu: Zoom Meeting ID: 891 8743 0260 Password: 654321Abstract:The classical Weyl's law describes the asymptotic behavior of eigenvalues of the Laplace Bel...
[Lecture] A dvancing scientific reasoning and argumentation in higher educa...
Speaker: Frank FischerHost: Junjie Shang, Tenured Associate Professor, Graduate School of EducationTime: 14:00-15:30 pm, October 18, 2022, Beijing timeVenue: Zoom MeetingPlease add Wechat GroupOr contact lxgao@gse.pku.edu.cn To get Meeting ID and passwordLangu...
[Lecture] Properties of polynomial maps and two-dimensional Jacobian conjec...
Speaker: Su Yucai, Tongji UniversityTime: 15:30-16:30 pm, October 14, 2022, GMT+8Venue: Zoom Meeting ID: 862 062 0549 Code:2022 Abstract:For any two polynomials on two variables with a nonzero Jacobian determinant, there corresponds a polynomial map known as a...
[Lecture] Flavour physics: seeking new order beyond the Standard Model
Speaker: Vincenzo Vagnoni(INFN)Host: Prof. Gao YuanningTime: 15:00-16:00 pm, October 14, 2022, GMT+8Venue: Koushare (https://www.koushare.com/lives/room/074854)Abstract:The Standard Model of Particle Physics has been extremely successful in describing the beha...
[Lecture] Physics-Informed Machine Learning: Blending data and physics for...
Speaker: George Em Karniadakis, Member of the National Academy of Engineering, The Charles Pitts Robinson and John Palmer Barstow Professor of Applied Mathematics and Engineering, Brown UniversityHost: Prof. Yang Yue, College of EngineeringTime: 10:00-11:30 am...
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