Dec. 07, 2022
In pics: Winter scenes at PKU
After the splendid and colorful autumn, PKU enters the winter quietly.
Nov. 29, 2022
Feature | Student volunteers in PKU Library
Peking University, November 29, 2022: Entering Peking University Library, you may notice those busy working in their red work vests. They are the student volunteers at service in PKU Library.At the beginning of 2020, Peking University Library launched book delivery service to mee...
Nov. 17, 2022
Foreign language & literature research in light of digital humanities
Peking University, November 17, 2022: PKU School of Humanities and Social Sciences held the “Seasonal Salon (Start of Winter)” in the Peking University Hall Art Café recently, which was the last of the four “Seasonal Salons,” following the Autumnal Equinox, Cold Dew and Frost’s D...
Nov. 11, 2022
Quantifighter, R U Ready? -- a look into PKU's analytics lab for global political risks
Peking University, November 11, 2022: "Quantifighter, R U Ready?" (QRUR) is a group-study centered practicum set up in the PKU Analytics Lab to assess global political risks. Students from all disciplines with a desire to advance their social science knowledge and data-analysis a...
Nov. 09, 2022
When a piano takes over a PKU dining hall
Peking University, November 9, 2022: The fourth floor of the Jiayuan Dining Hall has become synonymous with not only delicious Western cuisine but also enchanting piano melodies. The source of the music? A grand piano—or the “Jiasi Piano,” as the students affectionately refer to...
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