Jun. 03, 2010
Qiao Jie Entitled “Cheung Kong Scholar“ Chair Professor
Peking University, Beijing, Jun. 3, 2010: Ms. Qiao Jie, Director of Gynecology and Obstetrics Department and Reproductive Medicine Center of Peking University Third Hospital, has been entitled "Cheung Kong Scholar" Chair Professor of 2009 and signed employment contract with Pekin...
May. 22, 2010
Prof. Homi Bhabha Speaks on Humanities in Global Transition at PKU
Peking University, Beijing, May 21, 2010: On the afternoon of May 18, professor Homi K. Bhabha, renowned theorist of post-colonialism and interdisciplinary researcher, gave an academic speech entitled “The Humanities in an Age of Global Transition” in Yingjie Overseas Exchange Ce...
May. 21, 2010
Star Devouring Hottest-Known Alien Planet
Peking University, May 21, 2010: The hottest-known planet in our galaxy is being stretched into the shape of a football and rapidly consumed by its parent star, new observations from the Hubble Space Telescope show.The extrasolar planet on the cosmic menu, called WASP-12b, may on...
May. 20, 2010
First Government Innovation Forum Held in PKU
Peking University, Beijing, May 19, 2010: On May 14, the opening lecture of Government Innovation Forum was jointly held by the PKU Center for Chinese Government Innovations and the PKU Association for Government Innovation in Peking University.Prof. Yu KepingThe lecturer was Pro...
May. 16, 2010
Stephen Owen to Inaugurate “Hu Shi Liberal-Arts Lecture Series“
News & Events|About PKU News|Contact|Site SearchPeking University, Beijing, May 14, 2010: For Robert Frost, home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in.Hu Shi is, again, back home.On May 24, Stephen Owen, a prominentexpert on China studies and...
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