Dec. 19, 2008
Unveiling Ceremony of PKU International Intellectual Property Program
PekingUniversity, Beijing, Dec. 18. 2008: The unveiling ceremony of Peking University (PKU) International Intellectual Property Program (IIPP) and the “Intellectual Property-Opportunities and Challenges in the New Economic Era” Seminar were both held on December 17 in PKU. Mr. Lu...
Dec. 19, 2008
PKU Holds Working Conference for Graduates’ Employment
Peking University, Beijing, Dec 18th, 2008: The Conference for Graduates’ Employment (2009) of Peking University was held on December 11, 2009. President Zhou Qifeng was invited to attend the meeting and delivered an important speech. About 150 people attended the conference, inc...
Dec. 15, 2008
Alumni Chen Huxiong Donates Lifetime Savings to “Physics Education Fund”
Peking University, Beijing, December 10, 2008: An establishment ceremony for the “Chen Huxiong Physics Education Fund” was held in the Physics Department. Present at the ceremony were: the founder of the fund, Physics Class of 77’ Alumni Chen Huxiong’s parents, Academician Chen J...
Dec. 15, 2008
Opening Ceremony of Digital China Development Forum 2008 & CIO Summit Conference Held at PKU
PekingUniversity, Beijing, Dec. 11, 2008:The Opening Ceremony of the Digital China Development Forum (DCDF) 2008 & the Chief Information Officer (CIO) Summit Conference was held in Centennial Commemorative Hall of Peking University (PKU) on December 6 with the theme of “The...
Dec. 10, 2008
CCER Awarded “China's 30 Good Collectives in the Reform and Opening-up 30 Years”
Peking University, Beijing, Dec. 9th, 2008: China Center for Economic Research (CCER), as the only educational institution winner, was awarded the honorary title "China’s 30 Good Collectives in the Reform and Opening-up 30 Years" in the awards gala of "China's Reform and Opening...
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