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资源 63
9 PKU Programs Benefit from the Innovation in Graduate Education Program
May 14, 2009

Peking University. Beijing. May 13, 2009: In 2009, the State Ministry of Education approved 9 programs of Peking University to receive financial support from the Innovation in Graduate Education Program, with the total amount of RMB1,660,000.


The 9 programs include: the doctor forum of China (environmental sciences and engineering), National Ph.D. Candidates Academic Conference (medical ethics), 3 National Graduate Summer Schools (crystal chemistry, global public health, and contemporary linguistics theory and the study of Chinese language), the Class of Young Instructors (linguistics and Chinese linguistics), domestic academic visits of graduate students, academic visits of cadres in graduate education, and the study on the construction of national graduate schools.


Edited by: Ding Zhilan

Translated by: Lin Jingxian

Source: PKU News (Chinese)
