[Lecture] The Call of the Wild: The World of Spiritual Mountains
Speaker:Wu Hung Panelists:TANG Xiaofeng, Professor of College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking UniversityJIA Yan, Assistant Professor of School of Arts, Peking UniversityZHANG Hanmo, Professor of School of Chinese Classics, Renmin University of Ch...
[Lecture] Long-range orientational order in 2D active matter
Speaker:Hugues ChatéResearch Director, CEA Paris-SaclayChair Professor, Beijing Computational Science Research CenterLead Editor, Physical Review LettersHost:Jin Haitao, htquan@pku.edu.cnTime:15:00–16:00 pm, October 15, 2021 (Friday)Venue:Offline: Siyuan Hall...
[Lecture] Minorities and the Making of Postcolonial States in International...
Speaker:Mohammad Shahabuddin (Professor of International Law & Human Rights, Birmingham Law School, University of Birmingham)Host:Chen Yifeng (Associate Professor, Peking University Law School)Other Speakers:Liu YangAssistant Professor, School of Law, Renm...
[Lecture] Global & Comparative Law | Rules, Commands and Principles in...
Speaker:Adrian Vermeule (Ralph S. Tyler, Jr. Tenured Professor of Constitutional Law in Harvard Law School, Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Member of the Council of the United States Administrative Law Conference)Time:October 6, 2021 (Wedn...
[Lecture]Value-base norms as foundation for the pursuit of health in global...
Speaker:Otto Spijkers (Professor of Wuhan University China Institute of Boundary and Ocean Studies)Host:Liao Xuexia (Assistant Professor of Peking University Law School)Discussant:Qin Xuezheng (Vice Dean of School of Economics, Peking University)Chen Yifeng (A...
[Lecture] Conversation with Bruno Weill, Chief Group Representative for Chi...
Speaker:Bruno Weill (Chief Group Representative for China of BNP Paribas)Tang Yao (Associate Professor of Guanghua School of Management)Time:25 September 2021 (Saturday) 18:00-19:30Venue:Guanghua School of Management, Peking UniversityLanguage:EnglishAbstractI...
[Lecture] Quantum-enhanced precision measurement - Witness the "waltz...
Speaker:You LiTime:14:00-15:00, September 24 Friday, 2021Location:West Room 301, Hall Siyuan, School of Physics, Peking UniversityOrganizers:School of Physics, Peking UniversityState Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Technology, Peking UniversityBeijing Ph...
[Lecture] An architectural tour to the Forbidden City: Its planning, design...
Time:8:30-10:30 AM, August 20 (Friday)Speaker:Xu Bin (Associate Professor, Palace Museum)Host:Liu Chen (Vice Dean, School of Arts, Peking University)Registration:https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ndZcwW7RRyqsGu2Q_EvjcQ Edited by:Huang Weijian
PKUISI:Set foot on the geek universe
Time:July 24, 2021 (Saturday) 9:00-11:00amThe activity will be carried out online on ZOOM:Join meeting link:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89636244435?pwd=UWlkRm9qTjZxRG9rSWFlaHB0bGhCQT09ID:896 3624 4435Password:511087Scan the QR code & Join the meetingStarting...
[Lecture] The Forbidden City
Topic:From Imperial Palace to National MuseumTime:2021.07.10, 8:00-10:30 AMSpearker:Xu Wanling, Director of Institute for Research on the Palace Museum Collection’s Evacuation to the SouthEntrance:Scan the QR code
[Forum] Reimagining and Reshaping: Education Ecosystem for the Future
Topic:Reimagining and Reshaping: Education Ecosystem for the FutureIntroduction:We are pleased to invite you to attend the annual Yidan Education Forum for 2021. This year’s theme is, “Reimagining and Reshaping Education Ecosystem for the Future.” The forum is...
[Lecture] Higher education and academic life in the new era
Topic:Higher education and academic life in the new eraTime:June 5, 13:30-15:00Avenue:No.2 Gymnasium, Room 101Speaker:Professor John HopcroftModerator:Professor Chen Baoquan
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