[Lecture] The history of textual criticism in the West: Western Europe from...
Speaker: Nigel Wilson, Professor at Lincoln College, Oxford University Host: Su Jie, Professor at Fudan University Chinese Classics Research InstitutePanellists: Gao Fengfeng, Professor at Peking University School of Foreign LanguagesZhao Yi, Professor at Na...
[Lecture] Western Medival History: Cross Cultural Perspectives
Speakers:Felipe Fernández-Armesto, University of Notre DamePeng Xiaoyu, Peking UniversityCai Liang, University of Notre DameTime:21:00, November 19, 2021 (GMT+8)Language:EnglishPlease scan the QR on the post to get quick registration!AbstractIn this collaborat...
[Lecture]The New Formalism in Private Law
Speaker:Professor Paul B. Miller, Notre Dame Law SchoolHost:Professor Lou Jianbo, PKU Law SchoolCommentators:Professor Zhang Qi,PKU Law SchoolAssociate Professor Chen Ruoying, PKU Law SchoolProfessor Tang Xin, Tsinghua Law SchoolTime:19:00-21:00, November 18...
[Lecture] Digital Technologies and Work: Recent Developments
Speaker:Sean Cooney, Former Associate Dean of Melbourne Law SchoolHost:Assistant Professor Yan Tian, PKU Law SchoolTime:15:10-17:00, November 16, 2021 (GMT+8)Venue:Tecent Meeting ID 441 420 661Language:EnglishAbstractThis lecture will discuss issues of employm...
[Lecture] The Role of International Cooperation to Address the Triple Plane...
Speaker:Joyce Msuya, Deputy Executive Director of UN EnvironmentDiscussants:Zhang Haibin, National Climate Change special Advisor & Professor of PKULawal Marafa, Environment Specialist and Professor of Chinese University of Hong KongTime:15:00-17:00, Novem...
[Lecture] Criminal Law and Sustainable Development
Speaker:Professor Kimmo Nuotio, Faculty of Law of the University of HelsinkiHost:Assistant Professor Wang Huawei, PKU Law SchoolCommenters:Professor Liang Genlin, PKU Law SchoolAssociate Professor Jiang Su, PKU Law SchoolDr Zhang Zixian, Postdoctoral research...
[Lecture] Legal Internalism
Speaker:Professor Zhang Taisu, Yale Law SchoolHost:Professor Zhang Yongle, PKU Law SchoolCommenters:Professor Ge Yunsong, PKU Law SchoolAssociate Professor Dai Xin, PKU Law SchoolTime:10:00-12:00, November 2, 2021 (GMT+8)Online:Tecent Meeting ID 855 154 763Lan...
[Lecture] Where Dragon Veins Meet: Spatial Art History and the Kangxi Emper...
Speaker:Stephen H.Whiteman (Senior Lecturer in Art and Architecture of China, University of London Courtauld Institute of Art )Time:October 29, 2021(Friday) 16:00-18:00Venue:Tencent MeetingOrganizers:School of Arts Peking UniversityHost:Liu Chen (Assistant Pro...
[Lecture] Artificial Intelligence and Protein Folding
Speaker:Xu JinboHost:Xie XiaoliangTime:14:00-15:30, October 27, 2021 (GMT+8)Theme:Artificial Intelligence and Protein FoldingVenue:Offline: Room B101, Second Gymnasium, Yenching Academy, Peking UniversityOnline:PKU LiveClass PlatformPlease scan the QR to join...
[Lecture] Independence of the Image: Shanshui as Art Work
Speaker:Wu Hung Panelists:BI Fei, Professor of School of Arts and Humanities, China Academy of ArtZHENG Yan, Professor of School of Arts, Peking UniversityLI Meitian, Professor of School of History, Renmin University of ChinaHUANG Xiaofeng, Professor of Cent...
[Lecture] Between Heaven and Men: Shanshui as Medium
Speaker:Wu Hung Panelists:TIAN Xiaofei, Professor of Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard UniversityLI Qingquan, Professor of School of History and Culture, Shandong UniversityLIU Chen, Assistant Professor of School of Arts, Peking U...
[Lecture] Scenes Beyond This World: Allure of the Immortal Mountain
Speaker:Wu Hung Panelists:LI Ling, Professor of Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking UniversityZHENG Yan, Professor of School of Arts, Peking UniversityLI Qingquan, Professor of School of History and Culture, Shandong UniversityTime:06:30 Oct...
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