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资源 63
[Lecture] Two Biostatistical Challenges in the Danish Corona modeling/prediction
Sep. 19, 2023

Speaker: Theis Lange (University of Copenhagen)

Time: 14:00-15:00 p.m., September 19, 2023, GMT+8

Venue: Jingchun Campus (镜春园), Room 77201


Shortly after the Corona epidemic hit Denmark in March 2020 the Danish health authorities created an expert group from leading Danish Universities. The task was to provide timely advice to the authorities/prime minister on closer/reopening etc of the Danish society. I was the biostatistics expert in the group. The main point of this talk is to present the mulit-state model that I developed as part of this. Including an interesting little exercise in change-point detection. The talk will also briefly present the total Danish Corona modelling approach.


Dr. Lange's research involves methodological research within statistics as well as a wide range of applied collaborations with medical doctors, epidemiologists, psychologists, etc. His methodological work is focused on inference i.e. a formal framework for addressing cause and effect. Methods he has developed have been broadly applied and its novelty recognizedby the 2012 Kenneth Rothman Prize. The applied collaborations span from RCTs to complex longitudinal observational studies and from intensive care research to psychology. Accordingly, my research spans novel methods for causal inference, applications within clinical research and epidemiology as well as research based advice to government.

Source: School of Public Health