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GK Online | Info Session with Alumni Sharing on May 20, 2020
May. 20, 2020

The Guanghua-Kellogg EMBA program invites you to join us for an online Info session next Wednesday on May 20th, 19:30 Beijing Time (GMT+8).

During the event, Professor Qiaowei Shen, the academic director of the GK EMBA program, and Melissa Holland, the director of Kellogg Global Network, will detail the program's structure and its expansive networking opportunities, both of which can help you reach your professional and personal goals. Our GK alumni will also be joining us to share their first-hand experiences. As you will have the opportunity to ask questions, we highly recommend you attend to learn further details about the program.

Time: 19:30- 21:00, May 20, 2020, Beijing Time

Microsoft Teams


Program Introduction
Prof. Qiaowei Shen


Kellogg EMBA Global Network
Melissa Holland


Alumni Sharing on GK EMBA Experience


Q & A

Event Language: English


Melissa Holland
Director of Kellogg Executive MBA Global Network
Kellogg School of Management

Prof. Qiaowei Shen
Professor of Marketing
Academic Director of Guanghua-Kellogg EMBA Program
Guanghua School of Management

David Perez
International Business Executive at Colcafe
Partner & Board Member at Orinoco Capital

Xiao Wei
Co-Founder of GuangZhou
SU-SHIN Leather Goods Company

1:Please scan the QR code below to register for the event.

2:Or click "" to register for the event.

About the Guanghua-Kellogg Executive MBA Program

The Guanghua-Kellogg EMBA Program is the first Sino-US joint EMBA Program in mainland China, bringing together the world-class faculties of two premier business schools and featuring a rigorous and cutting-edge curriculum. The program prepares executives with integrated management skills, Chinese business expertise, and a global perspective to lead their organizations in a dynamic environment. Kellogg’s EMBA global network offers students opportunities to engage in collaborations with peer leaders across the globe. If you are interested in learning more about the GK EMBA applications, you can contact us at or click the below image.