Oct. 26, 2010
Peking University: Ten 973 Projects Approved
Peking University, Oct. 25, 2010: The application, evaluation and initiation of this year’s National Program on Key Basic Research Project (973 Program) have come to a closure. In 2010, the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China approved one hundred...
Oct. 25, 2010
Prof. Wang Enge Wins HLHL Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress
Peking University, Oct. 22, 2010: The 2010 award ceremony of Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation was held in Diaoyutai State Guesthouse Wednesday. CAS Member Wang Enge from School of Physics of Peking University (PKU) won the “Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress of Ho Leung Ho...
Oct. 24, 2010
Centennial of The Department
Peking University, Oct. 23, 2010: The centennial of PKU Department of Chinese Language and Literature was celebrated on the morning of Oct. 23, marking a new starting point of the most PKU- and China-featured department.Video clip from PKUTV (in Chinese)The grand ceremonyProf. Zh...
Oct. 24, 2010
Rui Chenggang: Wealth Does Not Equal Happiness
Peking University, Oct. 22, 2010: "You college students should not regard wealth as a standard to judge happiness or success. Even under great stress, you should consider more about your interest, dream, and social responsibility rather than wealth." CCTV host Rui Chenggang made...
Oct. 21, 2010
View the World in an “N-dimensional“ Perspective
Peking University, Oct. 19, 2010: With the theme of “view the world in an N-dimensional perspective,” Peking University unveiled its 13th Math Cultural Festival (MCF) on Oct. 14. Prof. Wang Changping, Dean of School of Mathematical Sciences (SMS), Prof. Liu Huarong, Party Secreta...
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