Peking University April 21, 2021: Peking University recently held its 5th Career Day,
attracting more than 1,500 student participants during the 4-hour event.
Launched in 2017 and held annually, PKU Career Day seeks to explore and fulfill
the demands of students when they seek employment. Under the concepts of
communication, connection, cooperation, creation and companion, PKU Career Day
pools the University’s resources in key areas to better guide students in
cultivating their values as well as career and life perspectives, while also
planning their career development under the bigger umbrella of national
development strategies.
This year’s Career Day hosted four activities - the “Career Carnival” (a
large-scale exploration game), a section for internship guidance, the “Peer
Guidance” for job search and the “Red, Green and Blue” open show which was an
open consultation for employment in key sectors.
Career Day 2021
The “Career Carnival” consisted of 13 interactive games, which helped students
discover more about their career interests, personalities, and also improve
their professionalism in an entertaining manner. Students who passed various
games also received a customized souvenir.
Students enjoy themselves at the game stations
The “Red, Green and Blue” Open Show featured three key
employment sectors: community employments, national defense and military, and
international organizations. In addition to showcasing job-hunting strategies
of these sectors, there was also one-to-one guidance provided for students
seeking to pursue careers in the fields above.
Live performances inspired by these three career sectors were also held by
Live performances
In the section of internship guidance, representatives from 35 well-known
enterprises at home and abroad were attended, including China Academy of
Engineering Physics, Huawei, Meituan and CITIC Press. With nearly 500
internship opportunities offered at the event, students had the opportunity to
directly communicate with representatives of these companies to gain a deeper
understanding of the recruitment plan and the positions offered. Some of the
companies even conducted interviews on the spot. The internships covered a wide
range of industries such as technology, internet, finance and healthcare.
A student talks with a representative of a company
Many students also attended the “Peer Guidance” activity, where senior students
aided their juniors in revising and improving their CVs while answering various
questions that they might have for the job search process.
Written by: Estella Zhang Qiming
Edited by: June Tan
Rui Min
Source: PKU News (Chinese)