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Graduation 2021 | What's Your Greatest Takeaway from PKU?
Jul 13, 2021
Editor's Note

The Peking University Commencement Ceremony for 2021 will be held soon! Be it undergraduate, master or PhD students, many will soon complete their degree and venture forth into the next chapter of their lives. 

As we await in great anticipation for the Graduation Ceremony, graduating Pekingers share their greatest takeaways from their rigorous and insightful years at Peking University.

Graduating Class of 2021
What is your biggest takeaway from PKU?

Aneka R. Rajbhandari
Undergraduate of School of Government

As the saying goes 活到老学到老, Peking University has taught me that learning does not end with lectures or classes, it continues throughout life.

Koh Ning
Undergraduate of Guanghua School of Management

My biggest takeaway from PKU is finding out my own pace. PKU broadened my horizons and made my dream tangible. In this excellent environment, I learned how to keep up the courses while I was left behind at the beginning, learned how I find out the things I like and make myself outstanding, learned how to take the initiative and make new friends. Through the failures, I have also learned how to give constant encouragement to myself, and achieve my goals. I keep reminding myself that life is not a race, learning to recognize and celebrate every progress. This makes my studying become more effective and makes me become a happier person.

Asim Mahmood
Masters of HSBC Business School

My two biggest takeaways from my time at PKU are that hard work and diligence do pay off and that you do not have to be the best at everything, as long as you do your best, you should always be proud of your achievements.


  Zhang Hualin
Doctorate of School of Journalism and Communication

My greatest gain from PKU is that it sheltered me, and gave me enough time and space to think about what type of person I am, and what type of person I want to be. These ten years in PKU taught me to have empathy and sympathy, and how important it is to be a warm, and kind person. PKU has allowed me to understand myself better, and realize who I really want to be.

New Zealand

Geoff Chen
Masters of School of Economics

One of the biggest takeaways from the last two years for me is all the people I have met here. Peking University being one of the best universities in the world has attracted many brilliant and smart individuals around the world to come and study here. These individuals often come from different backgrounds, share different strengths and different areas of expertise, which makes meeting new people on campus very exciting and fascinating.


Happy Graduation!
PKU Class of 2021

Writer:Goh Chia Chia, Aneka R. Rajbhandari

Video Producer: Goh Chia Chia

Photo: Zhu Chengxuan

Editor: Pu Hairui

Producer: Amanda Hu

Designer: Goh Chia Chia, Chin Xiao Yun Pauline