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22nd International No Tobacco Day Campaign in PKU Health Science Center
Jun 07, 2009

Peking University, Beijing, June 4th, 2009: The 22nd International No Tobacco Day Campaign, hosted by the Publicity Department of CPC and Tobacco Control Office in Peking University Health Science Center, and organized by the Students’ Union of PKU Health Science Center, was started in front of PKU Affiliated Hospital on the noon of June 1st.


The theme of the campaign was to refuse second-hand smoking and let lungs breathe free. Text messages and souvenirs on tobacco control were sent to students in order to encourage more of them to participate in the campaign. During the campaign, staff members in green “Anti-smoking” shirt introduced the harms of smoking and the significance of the event to teachers and students passing by and called on them to participate by forwarding no tobacco text messages. The text message - "stay away from tobacco, lead a healthy life on a smoke-free campus, refuse second-hand smoking, let lungs breathe free" - were sent by students around PKU Health Science Center.

The success of this anti-smoking campaign would contribute to the construction of a "smoke-free campus."


Edited By: Seren
Translated By: Chen Zhenxia
Source: PKU News (Chinese)
