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In pics: Peking University kicks off 30th Spring Sports Festival
Apr 24, 2023

Peking University, April 24, 2023: The Peking University 30th Spring Sports Festival was held on April 22, 2023, at the Wu-si Sports Center with 94 sporting events for its participants. Over 6,000 staff members and 3,000 students from different faculties participated in the various sporting events, displaying the PKU spirit and sportsmanship.
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In conjunction with Peking University’s 125th anniversary, faculty staff and students of PKU also made an “1898 – 2023” formation on the Wu-si Sports Field to commemorate the university’s 125 years of achievements from the year 1898 till today. 

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With every stride and jump, the athletes continue to demonstrate teamwork and sportsmanship, breaking their limits and achieving greater heights. The winners are met with thunderous applause and are rewarded for their efforts.
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Apart from the competitive events, leisure sporting activities were held on the sidelines for participants to have fun. 
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Take a break from work and studies, and play some sports! The key to a fulfilling life is to lead an active lifestyle.

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Written by: Cheah Cheng Kyat
Edited by: Wu Jiayun
Photos by: Wang Tiantian, Li Xianghua, Qi Liang, Song Mengli, Zhu Boya, Zhu Chengxuan, Chu Zhaohan, Wang Hao
Videos by: Department of PE
Source: PKU News (Chinese)