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Record number of athletes gather at PKU for 62nd Capital Universities Track and Field Games
May 22, 2024
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Peking University, May 22, 2024: The 62nd Capital Universities Track and Field Games was held from May 16 to 19 at the Wu-si Sports Center of Peking University (PKU). 

With 1,721 athletes from 81 universities competing in 116 track and field events, this year’s Games saw the largest number of participating universities and athletes since it was first held in 1955.

The event was jointly hosted by the Beijing Municipal Education Commission and Beijing Municipal Sports Bureau and organized by the Beijing Collegiate Athletic Association and Peking University. These are some snapshots from the opening ceremony, held on May 18.

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Square array of participating universities at the opening ceremony
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Group performance

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"Tai Chi meets Chinese dance" by Tai Chi world champion Chai Yunlong (left), dancer Qin Lang, and student performers
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PKU track athletes won second place in the competition, with 12 gold medals, 10 silver, and seven bronze medals. Notably, five athletes broke two competition records for the men's Group A shot put and the men's Group A 4×400m relay respectively. 

Written by: Sun Fanshu
Edited by: Wu Jiayun
Photos by: Yan Linlin; Beijing Collegiate Athletic Association