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New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins visits Peking University
Jun 29, 2023
Peking University, June 29, 2023: On June 28, 2023, New Zealand Prime Minister Chris Hipkins met with Hao Ping, Chair of Peking University Council, and Gong Qihuang, President of Peking University and delivered a speech on the topic "Reconnecting and Development: New Patterns of Education Cooperation between New Zealand and China in the Post-Epidemic Era".

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Chair Hao Ping, President Gong Qihuang, and PKU leaders met with Prime Minister Hipkins and his delegation

Gong Qihuang, on behalf of PKU, extended a warm welcome to Prime Minister Hipkins and his delegation. Gong recalled Peking University’s history in witnessing and actively participating in academic exchanges, cultivating talent, and fostering mutual cultural appreciation between China and New Zealand universities. Gong said that 2023 is Peking University’s "Global Engagement Year". In response to the rapid recovery of international exchanges, Prime Minister Hipkins' visit will further promote the cooperation between China and New Zealand in higher education, contributing to the sustainable and healthy development of Sino-New Zealand relations.

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President Gong Qihuang delivers speech

In his speech, Hipkins emphasized that “Education is one of the key pillars of our bilateral relationship and has been the foundation for strong and enduring links”. And so, the main mission of this trip was to re-establish and expand ties in face-to-face communication and to promote economic recovery. “Our education relationship is also built on reciprocity and partnerships which have grown over the years, encompassing wide-ranging collaboration across economic, cultural, people-to-people, and other connections” Hipkins said.

Hipkins strongly supports the deepening of education cooperation between the two countries “We are delighted to be able to once again support New Zealand education providers to reengage with Chinese partners at all levels. This is about reinforcing existing institutional partnerships and building new ones, as well as engaging with students and families, and increasing awareness of New Zealand as an education partner.”

Hipkins stresses that the central goal of New Zealand’s International Education Strategy is to prepare students for a changing world, a goal shared by New Zealand and China. “International education remains an important priority for our Government – we need to keep sharing and growing the knowledge and opportunities for both our countries and our peoples” Hipkins said.

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Prime Minister Hipkins delivers speech

After the presentation, Prime Minister Hipkins, the ambassadors of China and New Zealand, University leaders, representatives of the New Zealand Center, and program professors jointly launched the Rewi Alley Professor Program at the New Zealand Centre at Peking University.

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Launching Ceremony of the Rewi Alley Professor at the New Zealand Centre at Peking University
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Hao Ping presents a souvenir to Prime Minister Hipkins

The New Zealand Centre at Peking University is a collaborative academic research institute founded by Peking University and all eight New Zealand universities. Since its inception in 2007, it has received extensive support from both the Chinese and New Zealand governments.

The New Zealand Centre at Peking University 's Rewi Alley Professor aims to promote in-depth cooperation in higher education between China and New Zealand and to develop expertise in New Zealand studies. The launch of this project also marks the official opening of a new high-level academic collaboration between China and New Zealand. Laurence Simmons, a senior professor at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, has been appointed as the first professor of the program and will be teaching a course on New Zealand Studies at the Peking University Summer School this year.

Written by: Niki Qiu
Edited by: Zhang Jiang