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PKU President Gong Qihuang leads delegation to South Korea
Jul 22, 2024
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The delegation at the Chey Institute for Advanced Studies

Peking University, July 22, 2024: Recently, Peking University (PKU) President Gong Qihuang led a delegation to South Korea, visiting the Chey Institute for Advanced Studies, Korea University, and Seoul National University. Vice President Piao Shilong also participated, along with a visit to the Chinese Embassy in South Korea where they met with Charge d'Affaires Fang Kun to discuss promoting cultural and educational exchanges between China and South Korea.

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Gong Qihuang meets with Kim Yoo-suk (right)

At the Chey Institute for Advanced Studies, President Kim Yoo-suk warmly received the delegation. President Gong congratulated Kim on his recent appointment and reflected on the fruitful two-decade collaboration between Peking University, SK Group, and the academy. Kim acknowledged the achievements of the Beijing Forum and expressed a desire for continued cooperation. 

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At Korea University, Gong engaged in discussions with President Kim Dong-won, who welcomed the delegation and expressed interest in expanding multidisciplinary research collaborations. Gong highlighted recent advancements at Peking University and, following their meeting, the two presidents signed a Memorandum of Understanding to support joint academic projects.

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Gong Qihuang meets with Ryu Hong-lim

At Seoul National University, Gong met with President Ryu Hong-lim to discuss expanding cooperation. Ryu expressed willingness to collaborate on global challenges like climate change, energy, environment, and public health.

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The delegation also visited SK Hynix headquarters, meeting with Vice Presidents Kim Young-sik and Park Yong-kun to discuss enhancing cooperation.

This visit strengthened mutual understanding and cooperation between Peking University and South Korean institutions, solidifying existing partnerships and exploring new collaboration avenues. Future efforts will focus on contributing to Sino-Korean relations and educational exchanges through platforms like the Beijing Forum and the “CAMPUS Asia” initiative.

Written by: Sean Elijah Tan
Edited by: Dennis Meng
Source: PKU Office of International Relations