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First double PhD student of Asian Campus Plan Public Health Leader Training Program graduates
Oct 20, 2022
Peking University, October 20, 2022: Recently, Wang Xiaowen, the first student in the doctoral double degree program of the Public Health Leader Training Innovation Program of the Ministry of Education's Asian Campus Plan, graduated. She is the first double PhD graduate since the program was approved in October 2016, which is a new milestone in the development of the program. Wang also stands as the first student in the field of public health and even medicine in China and Japan to obtain a doctorate degree from two universities at the same time.

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Wang posing at Peking University
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Wang receiving Diploma in Japan 

Profile of Wang Xiaowen

Wang Xiaowen, a direct PhD student at the Department of Epidemiology and Health Statistics, School of Public Health of Peking University, participated in the Asia Campus Doctoral Double Degree Program in October 2019 and went to Osaka University, Japan, for exchange and study. In June 2022, she received a PhD degree from Peking University, and in September 2022, a second PhD degree from Osaka University. During her doctorate period, she had won many honors, including Outstanding Graduate of Peking University, two national scholarships, three Merit Student Pivot Awards of Peking University, three Merit Student Awards, Academic Innovation Award of Peking University, and so on.

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Written by: Wu Zhaoxia
Edited by: Meng Bin
Source: School of Public Health