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Meet Peking University’s “Students of the Year 2022”
Apr 18, 2023
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Peking University April 18, 2023: After several rounds of selection, “PKU Students of the Year 2022” have been recently announced. From inquisitive researchers pushing the boundaries of science, passionate student leaders serving the community, to determined athletes who continuously take up new challenges, these students embody the PKU spirit in their service and commitments. Let’s take a closer look at the ten outstanding young scholars of PKU and learn about their wonderful stories!

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△ Dong Chenhui,
Undergraduate from School of Economics

In September 2019, 20-year-old Dong Chenhui packed his luggage and left PKU to join the army in the snowy border area. After demobilization, he continued his studies at PKU, and at the same time, he also continued to contribute to the PKU community as a mentor at the School of Economics, sharing his army experiences and volunteering during the COVID-19 epidemic.

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△ Du Yiran,
Undergraduate from Department of Chinese Language and Literature

Du Yiran has a strong passion for Kunqu Opera, a traditional Chinese opera. As the president of the Kunqu Club of Peking University (Jingkun Club), Du Yiran has led the club to be awarded the honor of PKU's “Brand Club.” She is persistent in promoting the traditional Chinese art of opera through the mass media, and has appeared as a student guest speaker on various televised shows to share her knowledge on Kunqu. 

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△ Feng Yuhao,
Doctoral Student from College of Urban and Environmental Sciences

Feng Yuhao’s research regarding carbon neutrality has filled the gap of the research on the national scale forest carbon balance model, providing strong statistical support for China to achieve carbon neutrality and to strive for international carbon emission reduction. He strives to do scientific research that is of great value to the country. Feng is a devoted researcher and has published 26 academic papers while he was in the doctoral program.

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△ Gan Kehan,
Master student from Department of Physical Education 

Gan Kehan majors in media but specializes in sports journalism. Not only was he awarded the first runner-up for the 17th PKU Emceeing Competition, but he was also one of the PKU narrators that participated in several television programs by China Central Television and China Education Television. He has contributed many articles to the official website of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics organizing committee and strives to become a spokesman for China sports and sportsmanship.

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△ Han Gengyu,
Doctoral student from PKU Third Clinical Hospital

Under the guidance of his mentor, Han Gengyu constructed the first preoperative assessment system for the paravertebral muscle, which is used to guide the clinical treatment of a wide range of patients with degenerative lumbar spine diseases. He has published 11 academic papers on SCI, and his research findings has also been recognized on top academic journals on spinal surgery such as J Orthop Translation, Spine and Eur Spine. He was also a frontline medical worker during the COVID-19 pandemic, as he remained committed to duties in emergency rooms.

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△ Lin Zhixing,
Undergraduate from School of Physics

Lin Zhixing is a relentless adventurer who never stops her exploration in the field of physics. She has maintained her outstanding grades as the top of her level, and has been actively participating in competitions. In the International Theoretical Physics Olympiad, her team has been awarded the second. Since her first year in PKU, she has joined Zhang Xibo’s research team to study low-dimensional bosonic gases. Her findings were published in SCI Frontiers of Physics. Her interest in condensed matter theory slowly blossomed, as she devoted herself to exploring this topic in her sophomore year. 

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△ Liu Ningning,
Doctoral Student from the Research Centre of Mental Health

Diligent, meticulous, realistic, and innovative best describe Liu Ningning’s personality. With a strong passion for children’s mental health issues, she has published over 13 SCI articles, participated in well-known academic forums, and even established a professional consulting team to assist needy families.

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△ Zhang Hanshu, 
Undergraduate Student, from School of Journalism and Communication

Serving as the team leader of the Boya Long Distance Running Club, Hanshu is constantly on the move. As a student from the Yan Fu Class, which is PKU’s experimental program in the social sciences, Hanshu has hit the headlines of mainstream media, including China Daily, CCTV News, and People’s Daily for her initiative of setting up photo booths to take portraits of villagers in Shanxi’s village. With a strong interest in global affairs, she also initiated a study camp that gathers students and teachers who share a common interest in communications studies for third-world countries. 

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△ Zhang Lingyi,
Undergraduate Student from Yuanpei College

Zhang Lingyi is a top achiever in the academic sector, a leader in student initiatives, and a professional athlete. With due diligence, she has topped the dean’s list of PKU’s School of Life Sciences for three consecutive years. As a team leader, she has ventured into the rural parts of Sichuan and Yunnan provinces with fellow members to volunteer in the schools. Furthermore, she frequently clinched medals in track and field competitions.

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△ Zhang Xiaoshuai,
Master Student, from PKU Second Clinical Hospital

As an awardee of Peking University’s Academic Innovation Award, Zhang Xiaoshuai pioneered the research of chronic myeloid Leukemia, and has published more than 10 articles in renowned academic journals. Apart from these academic achievements, his creative edge in article writing and documentary filming also helped to popularize his professional medical knowledge among the public, benefiting more than 50,000 patients in total. 

The stories above serve as a perfect depiction of the spirits of PKUers and their devotion to serving their community and the country. Let’s look up to these role models together and strive to be the best versions of ourselves!

Written by: Zhao Mengyu, Lim Qin Xuan 
Edited by: Shi Xinyao
Designed by: Goh Yi Ru
Cover photo: Xu Haolun
Source: PKU News (Chinese)