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Peking University People’s Hospital Publishes on Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology
Feb 18, 2019
Peking University, Feb. 18, 2019: A research group led by Dr. Ji Linong of Peking University People’s Hospital recently had a paper published on The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology. In the paper titled “Novel subgroups of patients with adult-onset diabetes in Chinese and US populations”, the authors confirmed the five exclusive diabetes subgroups identified previously in northern European studies were also relevant in Chinese and American populations.

The paper published on The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology

The study involved 2,316 Chinese participants and 815 Americans who had been newly diagnosed with diabetes. The participants were clustered with k-means analysis into four groups. Both Chinese and American participants in the four clusters recapitulated the basic phenotypes of the clusters observed in earlier European studies, suggesting a possible generalizability of this European-oriented diabetes classification in different ethnicities and populations. The finding is thought to be a step forward towards precision medicine in diabetes treatment.

A highlight of the study is that T-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) was adopted to visualize how the proposed clusters were truly intrinsically different subgroups. A video that explains the findings of the article was available on the Youtube Lancet TV.

A screenshot of the video on Youtube

Written by: Fan Xiaofei
Edited by: Huang Weijian
Source: Peking University People’s Hospital