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'Diverse World, Splendid PKU' — Nanmen International Culture Day held
May 24, 2023
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Peking University, May 24, 2023: In celebration of PKU’s 2023 Global Engagement Year, the School of Journalism and Communication, the Department of Information Management, and the School of Chinese as a Second Language collaboratively held the Nanmen International Culture Day at the square of PKU Hall on May 19, 2023. 

Under the theme "Diverse World, Splendid PKU," this year’s Nanmen International Culture Day started on a cloudy morning and culminated on a rainy evening, but the weather did not stop people’s enthusiasm. 

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The fair had a total of five divisions, each featuring engaging activities and cultural displays, including the international costume show, photography exhibition, language fair, book fair, and a multitude of interactive cultural activities. PKUers were eager to show their support and enthusiasm in taking part in each activity.

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The Nanmen International Costume Exhibition featured more than 40 sets of costumes from China and other nations. Many students were drawn to the event to see the unique traditional clothing of different cultures, which helped foster intercultural understanding and exposure to each nation's special charm.

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At the zone of the Nanmen International Photography Exhibition, the School of Journalism and Communication successfully organized a photography event with the theme "Smile, Cheese!" This event displayed the beautiful smiles of PKUers from all over the world to illustrate the strength of love and smiles.

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The Student International Communication Association (SICA) and the Sino-Japanese Exchange Association were also present at the fair, presenting unique interactive cultural games like "Quiz and Numbers," "Guess the Language, Guess the Country, and Taste the Food," and "We are from All Over the World." During their leisure activities, the attendees got a chance to learn about regional traditions and the peculiar cultures of several nations.

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During the event, students from all over the world left lovely comments, sharing their desire for harmony, growth, love, inspiration, diversity, and civility. Students from over 30 different countries were present during this event and were all grateful for the efforts of the organizers. These exercises allow students to learn about themselves while also assisting them in the development of skills and the acquisition of new knowledge.
It is important to think of cultural activities as an integral component of education since they give one the chance to express oneself, gain self-confidence, and acquire social skills that are vital for growth. PKU offers its outstanding learners a healthy atmosphere. Education must extend outside of the four walls of the classroom if it is to take place.

Below are some responses collected during interviews with participants:

Jawad Shabbir (Kashmir, Pakistan): Learning about and respecting various cultures is a good concept, and Peking University in particular, is the ideal place to do so. I value the work done by the Office of International Relations' International Students Division, the School of Journalism and Communication, the Department of Information Management, the School of Chinese as a Second Language, and other departments to recognize, celebrate, and promote this event that brings together people from different cultures. One of the most exciting things for me was the Nanmen International Photography Exhibition from the School of Journalism and Communication. Every single picture tells a big narrative. By appreciating and accepting differences, we may foster peace, love, humanity, and diversity. Best wishes to mankind, in particular all PKUers.

Alessa (Germany): Thanks a lot for taking our pictures and capturing our time at Peking University, which will be a wonderful memory of my life.

Che Yun Ji (South Korea): It was an honor to take part in the photo shoot at the Nanmen Photo Studio! The moment I saw the smiling faces of international students and Chinese students from all over the world, my heart warmed up inside. Through various small games, I learned about several group activities organized between Chinese students and students from other countries. I hope that we can continue to hold such activities between Chinese students and international students every year. Thank you!

Sherry 郑晓微 (China): I'm really excited to take part in this event! I was in charge of the photography part at this event, and I got some great shots of people from all over the world with smiles on their faces. My ability to speak English has also increased. I was first concerned that no one would attend the event because it was raining a lot, yet the torrential downpour did not dampen everyone's enthusiasm. Everyone enjoyed solving puzzles, making wish cards, dressing up in ethnic costumes, eating excellent cuisine, and other activities. As a volunteer, I have the privilege of giving everyone a lovely memory. We appreciate all of the staff's efforts over a number of months to effectively plan such a significant event. May the bonds of friendship between people continue forever. Thank you to everyone who attended despite the torrential downpour to support our event.

Written by: Shabbir Jawad
Edited by: Niki Qiu
Photos by: Chen Yi, Xie Binyan, Zhang Yeyao, Li Meitong, Wang Wenxuan, Zhu Siqi, Liu Yingwei, Qu Zhuangzhuang, Chen Yusong, Cheng Xuanzhou, Tang Yuting, Yang Liyuan, Chen Xunlin, Zhao Chengyuan