Peking University, Feb.15, 2012: The commemorative meeting for the fortieth anniversary of Edgar Snow's death was held at PKU on Feburary 15, in memory of this American journalist and writer, who was the first Western journalist to report the realities of the Communist Party of China and who also wrote the book Red Star over China,the first Western book to give a first-hand account of how the Communist Party of China (CPC), the Red Army and the people under the CPC's rule were struggling to defend their country against the Japanese invasion and improve their welfare. President Zhou Qifeng spoke highly of Snow's contribution to the Sino-American understanding and friendship.
President Zhou Qifeng in his speech
In 1934, Snow was invited to serve as a professor of of School of Journalism and Communication of Yanching University which was merged in to Peking University in 1952,and was highly loved and respected by students. During his stay at Yanching University, he edited a collection of modern short stories of Living China, revealing the true reality of China to werstern world. It was in the Yanyuan of PKU that he finish the writing of the well-known Red Star of Over China.
Flowers were presented to Snow's tomb
Edgar Snow's tomb
Today Snow's tomb is situated near the Weiming Lake of Peking University, and on his tombstone carved the words --"Edgar Snow, American friend of the Chinese people".
Written by: Cao Yixing
Edited by: Cao Yixing
Source: PKU NEWS (Chinese)