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PKU Holds 2022 commencement Ceremony for Undergraduates
Jun 29, 2022
Peking University, June 29, 2022: On the morning of June 28, the 2022 PKU Commencement Ceremony for Undergraduates was held at Khoo Teck Puat Gymnasium. This ceremony was attended by more than 3000 undergraduates from the graduating class as well as those who graduated previous years but missed their commencement ceremony due to the pandemic. The ceremony was held in a hybrid format, both online and offline, so that students and parents who were unable to attend physically could watch it online. The ceremony was presided over by Gong Qihuang, president of Peking University.

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Khoo Teck Puat Gymnasium


Following a series of exciting and heart-warming warm-up performances, the audience was presented with a specially put together video that showcased the most familiar scenery and landmarks in PKU, reviewed recent highlights, and documented the social engagements of the graduates. For example, their active voluntary participation in the 2022 Beijing Olympic Winter Games, and their efforts to help with COVID-19 prevention and control. This video, which ended on a bittersweet note as farewell messages, was an expression of gratitude to all students who took the responsibility to contribute to the wellbeing of society.

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Over the past years, PKU graduates have worked hard academically and professionally while exemplifying outstanding character and qualities. President Gong Qihuang, announced the list of "Excellent Students." This year, 620 undergraduates were awarded the honorary title of "Excellent Graduates of Peking University in 2022", and 186 undergraduates were awarded the "Outstanding Graduates of Beijing's Higher Education Institutions in 2022".

Representatives of outstanding graduates went on stage to collect their awards from school leaders and their teachers.

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Representatives of outstanding graduates

During the ceremony, teacher and student representatives gave their speeches.

Wu Qingyu, an undergraduate student representative from the School of Mathematical Sciences, made use of mathematical formulas and concepts to describe her main takeaways from her experiences at PKU."Take advantage of the wind, fly up the sky thousands of miles, and look straight down at the mountains and rivers," she concluded her speech and conveyed her hope that everyone can solve the optimization problems of their own lives with the confidence given by PKU.

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Wu Qingyu

Thomas Alexander Lindesay, an international student representative from the School of International Studies, talked about his affinity with China and his "Long March" plan of running along China's Great Wall in the Ming Dynasty. As it marks the 70th anniversary of PKU's international education in China this year, Lindesay also expressedhis eagerness to travel across the country to have a more in-depth understanding of China and the world.

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Thomas Alexander Lindesay

Peng Feng, dean of the School of Arts, delivered a speech on behalf of the teaching faculty. He proposed three suggestions,"believe in miracles," "achieve greater self," and "learn to appreciate". Miracles are a result of hard work, and at PKU, you can believe in "miracles". He continued by explaining his next point, "It is much more joyful to share the joy than enjoy alone", he advises graduates to learn to integrate themselves into the greater whole, and to achieve so, one has to learn the art of appreciating others. Finally, he expressed his anticipation of seeing what the future holds for the graduates, and called on students to come back to PKU to visit in the future.

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Professor Peng Feng

Wang Yaping, the first Chinese woman to perform a spacewalk and a PKU Ph.D. candidate, shared through a surprise video speech her main takeaways from her space missions, including the most recent Shenzhou-13 space mission. She called on her fellow schoolmates to never lose their inner sense of justice and responsibility, and never give up hope and love for the future, no matter what industry they venture into. What the future and the Universe share in common is that they both have infinite possibilities, shared Wang.

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Wang Yaping

PKU is beyond a university, but more of a home. During the ceremony, the graduates also received heartfelt congratulations and farewell messages from PKU staff. In response, student representatives also expressed their gratitude.

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Students presenting flowers to the staff

In his speech, Hao Ping, the Chair of the PKU Council, hoped that wherever students go in the future, they view the difficulties and challenges brought by the epidemic as a lifetime spiritual treasure and write a new chapter in their lives. He further encouraged students totake the initiative to think about and solve the issues raised by the times, in the face of the unprecedented challenges brought by the new era; to practice the spirit of dedication and contribute to the rejuvenation of our country with our hard work; to cultivate the spirit of solidarity and teamwork; and tomaintain the spirit of pioneering and innovation.

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PKU Council Chair Hao Ping

President Gong Qihuang said that in the past four years, students have gained fortitude to confront hardships, developed the indomitable spirit, and exercised their abilities to solve issues; looking to the future, challenges loom ahead in the journey. He hopes that students will continue to embody the spirit of PKU, overcoming difficulties and forging ahead bravely. He concluded his speech by expressing hissincere hope that the students will always treasure their original intentions and ambitions, reinforce every future life path decision, and achieve their goals through unwavering efforts.

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President Gong Qihuang

The ceremony ended with the beloved song of "Yanyuan Qing". After the ceremony, graduates lingered at the stadium, taking their time to take photos and catch up with friends and teachers, commemorating their last few bittersweet moments of their undergraduate student life.

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Students singing the school song

To all graduates, PKU extends our heartfelt congratulations to you and best wishes as you embark on the next chapter of life. We hope that no matter what lies ahead, you will go forth with courage and apply the best of what you have learned at PKU to build a better future for yourself.

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Writted by: Sun Yiwei, June Tan Rui Min
Edited by: Hu Shaocong
Photo credited to: Wang Tiantian, Li Xianghua, Liu Yueling, Song Mengli, Cao Qianqian, Liu Luyi, Huang Jingwen, Huang Zhe, Ji Haoyu, Zou Mingzhi, An Leike, Pan Jiangying, Wag Sousou, Hu Xiaodong
Designed by: Chin Xiao Yun Pauline, Hu Shaocong