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Peking University holds opening ceremony to welcome new cohort
Sep 04, 2022

Peking University, September 4, 2022: Peking University on September 4 held an opening ceremony at Wu-si Sports Field to welcome the new students and inaugurate the 2022-23 academic year. University leaders, including PKU Council Chair Hao Ping and President Gong Qihuang, faculty members, and a cohort of freshmen attended the convocation. Wang Bo, vice president and provost of Peking University, hosted the ceremony.

The ceremony was preluded by a variety of warm-up performances, including a symphony orchestra play, a Peking opera show, a choir performance, and a piece of street dance. The warm-up show reached a climax when Xin Guanjie, alumnus of PKU School of Software and Microelectronics, performed a magic show. The warm-up session was hosted by Zhao Chaobo from the School of Public Health and Marcos Sabio, a British student from the Department of Chinese Language and Literature. 

Wang Bo

Following the warm-up show, Wang Bo extended his warm welcome to the new students and introduced school leaders and honored guests who were present at the ceremony. All attendees sang the national anthem in a full-throated chorus as the flag climbed up the post before flapping in the wind. Subsequently, student and faculty representatives each delivered their speeches.

Li Qiancheng 

Li Qiancheng, who had just been matriculated into the School of Physics, spoke on behalf of undergraduate freshmen. Li shared his experiences of enjoying sheer pleasure in exploring the matrix of physics and encouraged his counterparts to apply the principles of physics to their campus life: “Learn real knowledge from teachers, practice real skills with classmates, seek truth for science, and speak the truth to yourself.”

Mao Yaqing

Mao Yaqing, a graduate representative from the School of Stomatology, Peking University, shared her insights by citing three metaphors about teeth. “First, just as the deciduous teeth will fall out and the permanent teeth will grow again, learning is also a process of comprehending changes and constantly renewing,” she noted, adding that, “Just as the hard teeth and the soft tongue make a complementary pair, PKU arms us with both ‘hard’ skills and ‘soft’ humanitarian concerns; and just as every tooth has its place to function as a whole, every unique PKUer should work together for a brighter future.” 

Zhang Xinrong

Zhang Xinrong, professor at the College of Engineering, Peking University, gave his speech as the teacher representative. He stressed the importance of cultivating a sense of social responsibility in academic pursuits, and offered his advice to the new cohort on how to get the most out of the study: learning to apply the concepts, foster a creative mind, accumulate knowledge step by step, and focus on the new areas. 

PKU President Gong Qihuang

President Gong Qihuang delivered a keynote speech at the opening ceremony, in which he expressed his sincere hopes and expectations for the new students. The president pointed out that only by staying committed to improving the well-being of their motherland and her people, can PKU youths realize themselves in a worthwhile cause. 

“To be a new youth, one must be patriotic and determined to study for the country. To be a new youth, one must be pragmatic and learn the skills needed to take on important responsibilities,” President Gong highlighted.

“To be a new youth, one must cultivate a relentless spirit and feel undaunted by repeated setbacks. And to be a new youth, one must have an inclusive mindset and embrace diversity,” he added.

Written by: Wei Yunqi, Fan Xueyuan
Edited by: Meng Bin