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PKU Team wins gold medal in International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) World Finals
Nov 11, 2022
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The final standings of the 45th ICPC World Finals

Peking University, November 11, 2022: The 45th Annual ICPC International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) World Finals was held in Dhaka, Bangladesh, from 6th to 11th, November 2022, hosted by the University of Asia Pacific. The team of Peking University, constituted by three students from PKU School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Kong Chaozhe, Zhou Yuchang and Pan Junyue, placed top two in the global rankings, and received the gold medal in the World Finals, with 10 problems solved.

ICPC is the most influential programming competition for university students worldwide. It was first held in 1977, and has since been successfully held 44 times. The contest is categorized into regional competitions and world finals. The 45th ICPC regional competitions had 58,963 contestants hailing from six continents, 104 countries and regions and 3406 universities. Finally, representatives from 140 universities in 45 countries and regions were selected into the finals.  

Kong, Zhou and Pan are experienced students from the national team. Zhou was ranked third in the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) 2020, Kong was a gold medalist in the National Olympiad in Informatics (NOI) 2018, while Pan was also a gold medalist in NOI 2019. 

Congratulations to the PKU team on their outstanding performance! 
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The PKU Team solving problems in the contest
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Kong Chaozhe, Zhou Yuchang and Pan Junyue, representatives of Peking Universities
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PKU Gold Metalists

Written by: Wang Jia'en
Edited by: Fan Xueyuan
Source: ICPC