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PKU dominates the 13th Chinese Mathematics Competitions medal count
Mar 28, 2023
Peking University, March 28, 2023: The finals of the 13th edition of the Chinese Mathematics Competitions (CMC) took place at the East China Normal University on the morning of March 25. The competitions drew 218,823 applicants from 32 different divisions, with 382 individuals advancing to the finals for the Mathematics Major Group. This year, PKU School of Mathematical Sciences had sent 20 students to represent the Beijing division, of which 19 have received an award. 

PKU students have achieved a remarkable feat by securing the top three positions in the senior category of the Mathematics Major Group. Additionally, they have also clinched the overall national championship and the top four positions in the Beijing division for the junior category. 

This outstanding performance by PKU students has placed them at the top of the national medal table, with the highest number of overall champions, first-runner ups, and medalists in both the senior and junior categories of the Mathematics Major Group.

from clipboard
PKU student medallists and teachers at the award ceremony

The Chinese Mathematics Competitions (CMC) is a national high-level competition for undergraduate students. Sponsored by the Chinese Mathematical Society, CMC aims to foster the interests of university students in learning mathematics, and to cultivate innovative talents in the mathematical field. The first edition of CMC was held in 2009, and has been held annually since then.

Written by: Lee Xin Ying Rachel
Edited by: Dennis Meng
Source: PKU News (Chinese)