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PKU holds 2023 Graduation Ceremony for Undergraduates
Jul 04, 2023
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Peking University, July 4, 2023: On the morning of July 4, 2023, the 2023 PKU Graduation Ceremony for Undergraduates was held at the Khoo Teck Puat Sports Complex, where degrees were conferred to undergraduates who had completed their academic degree requirements. 

The ceremony was preceded by a warm-up show, which was performed by the PKU Student Symphony Orchestra, PKU Choir, students from the PKU Affiliated High School, Primary School, and Kindergarten, representatives of graduates from the Class of 2023, and Yang Hongji, a famous singer, among other performers. Members of PKUHSC's Bayun Hip Hop Club presented a street dance performance named "This is Me," and PKU Dance Group danced to a piece of traditional Chinese music at the show.

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A commemorative graduation film was also screened before the graduation ceremony, which reviewed the college life of the PKU undergraduates, Class of 2023, capturing memorable moments including the 2019 School Opening Ceremony, community activities at PKU, and major events in the past four years.

The graduation ceremony was chaired by PKU Vice President Wang Bo and was attended by PKU Council Chair Hao Ping, President Gong Qihuang, Academician Jin Yaqiu, Academician Xiaoliang Sunney Xie, Academician Zhao Jindong, University leaders and guests, and teacher representatives. 

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Chen Baojian, executive vice council chair of PKU and council chair of the PKUHSC, announced that 613 undergraduates would be awarded the honorary title of “Excellent Graduates of PKU in 2023,” and that 192 undergraduates were recommended as the “Outstanding Graduates of Beijing’s Higher Education Institutions.”

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Wang Ziming, a graduate representative from the School of Physics, delivered a speech at the ceremony. He recollected his experience of overcoming math anxiety and forming a study group to share knowledge frontier in astrophysics. He also expressed his gratitude towards the University, the teachers, and classmates.

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Student representative, Zoe Morgan, from Guanghua School of Management, recounted her experience at PKU as an international student. She fell in love with PKU at the first glimpse and took an active part in various activities in and out of the University, the Canadian student shared. Light up the life of others, and you will find that you also illuminate your own path, she said, adding that international students at PKU have a unique and proud mission, which is to become the messenger of communication and the bridge of friendship, contributing to the peace and development of the world.

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Teacher representative, Jiao Ning, a professor at the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, expanded on his experience and stressed the importance of patience. Taking medicine development as an example, he encouraged students to “feel patient to deal with everything.” “Life is full of possibilities. So never feel frustrated by different conditions, wait, and just keep on moving.”

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Alumni representative, Jin Yaqiu, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, shared his experience both during his study at PKU and after graduation. By citing the lines from “Yanyuanqing” he pointed out that the students were the next generation living with both hopes and challenges, thus they should persist in striving and take responsibility, for the future of themselves and China.

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At the beginning of his speech, Academician Gong Qihuang congratulated the students on their graduation. He announced that an asteroid had been named “Boya” to celebrate the graduation of the Class of 2023 and each graduate would receive a souvenir. 

During his speech, Gong expressed his four expectations for students: first, build up great aspirations for the future; second, keep working arduously, and be progressive in work and study; third, realize the global call of participation, and share a global vision; fourth, dive into and dedicate into the development of society. 

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The ceremony concluded with the melodious chorus of “Yanyuanqing,” which marked the end of graduates’ school life and also opened a new page of their life.

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Written by: Chen Chuyun, Zhang Tianyan
Edited by: Dennis Meng
Photos by: Wang Tiantian, Li Xianghua, Song Mengli, Yan Linlin, Zhu Chengxuan, Pan Jianghui, Ye Renhao, Huang Zhe, Wu Shuai, Kou Yingjie, Cai Shuchen, Wang Ziqian, Hu Xiaodong