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Freshmen arrive at Peking University on 'Move-in Day'
Aug 20, 2023

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Peking University, August 19, 2023: Arriving on August 19th, the recently enrolled undergraduate students stepped onto the University grounds, ushering in a new chapter in their lives. The Yanyuan campus gleamed with a fresh appearance, radiating a spirit of joy throughout. Even the summer heatwave couldn't dampen the vitality of youth. In the early hours of the morning, the initial group of freshmen ventured onto the campus.

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Continuing the tradition, PKU's Khoo Teck Puat Sports Complex bustled with activity as incoming students registered during an orientation event. PKU Council Chair Hao Ping and President Gong Qihuang, accompanied by University leaders and faculty members, extended heartfelt welcomes and engaged in friendly conversations with the newcomers. They also offered words of encouragement to the dedicated volunteers working diligently on-site.

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Each department at PKU meticulously orchestrated the enrollment process, ensuring seamless registration for incoming students. Volunteers captured the first snapshots of these fresh faces embarking on their PKU journey. Adorable mascots from departments warmly welcomed the newcomers with open arms. During intermissions, senior students serenaded the crowd with beautiful melodies. Across the campus, student volunteers stood ready at 13 service points to provide campus guidance and assist in ferrying luggage to the student dormitories.

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Volunteers extended their reach to railway stations and airports in Beijing to escort and aid new students in reaching the campus. The Office of Student Financial Aid of PKU established a specialized channel, offering comprehensive, one-stop services for incoming students, including guidance on campus loans and other pertinent policies.

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After completing their initial check-in, the freshmen proceeded to various dining facilities, where they enjoyed the delicious "First Meal at Peking University" in a cozy dining ambiance.

During interviews with PKU News, the incoming students at the student orientation event expressed their admiration for Peking University and shared their expectations for the upcoming campus life. Let's hear from some of them!

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∆ Zhang Dongyu, School of International Studies, Yunnan Province

I chose to study at PKU because of its rich academic resources and facilities. Besides, PKU was my dream since high school. At the School of International Studies, I hope to observe the world through a wider perspective, and cultivate a broader mindset, as our school motto goes, “My Country, Our World (爱国关天下).” I’m feeling nervous yet excited to explore more knowledge at this brand new environment.

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∆ Wang Weicheng, School of Physics, Shaanxi Province

I really adore PKU and I have a great interest in physics. I am feeling quite nervous for the start of semester, as the School of Physics is academically rigorous and challenging. I hope I can manage to pull through this new semester. I also expect to gain various professional knowledge in the realm of physics.
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∆ Yan Qiyao, School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Fujian Province

I like PKU because of its great academic atmosphere and humanistic care, which is top notch in China. During my third year in high school, the teachers and seniors from PKU Admissions provided me with a lot of assistance, and I am extremely grateful. 

The first impression I have of PKU is its beautiful scenery. The moment I entered the campus, I was amazed by the luscious greenery alongside the gymnasium. 

University (life) is different from high school because I would be faced with a more flexible learning method. I hope to learn more professional knowledge about computer science, and I also can’t wait to meet my new friends!

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∆ Wang Yingzhi, School of Economics, Heilongjiang Province

Every arts student in China has a “PKU Dream,” so as an arts student, choosing PKU is a no-brainer for me. I think PKU gave me the impression of a responsible and reliable university. As I’ll be leaving home and entering a brand new life, I feel it is quite challenging to adapt to hostel life and learn how to live independently. I also feel extremely excited to study at the top university in China, at my favorite school and favorite course. As for the future, I expect to continue to pursue master’s degree.

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∆ Huang Zhen, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Chongqing Municipality

PKU is my greatest ambition during my high school years as an art student, as it is famous for its humanities programs. I think PKU will be a brand new platform and starting point for me. Last summer, I joined the PKU Summer Camp, and I was deeply attracted to the inclusiveness, freedom and humanistic atmosphere at PKU. I am most excited to visit the PKU Library, which is one of the largest open-access research libraries in Asia. I think being able to gain access to the rich academic resources in the Library would be a dream come true. 

I am excited yet nervous to start this new semester, but I am also extremely grateful to be studying alongside outstanding students from various backgrounds. I am most interested in Chinese modern literature, and I can’t wait to deepen my understanding in this subject while navigating a different learning style in university, as well as getting the chance to meet distinguished professionals in this field!

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∆ Zhang Yiyan, Yuanpei College, Beijing

Yuanpei College is unique as it provides students with the opportunity to experience all courses from various faculties at the same time. With this huge variety of options, I am able to take time to figure out the future path I am most interested in by trying and learning different subjects. Currently, I’m thinking about majoring in law. I can’t wait to join the myriad of activities on campus. I think it will be very lively and fun. I also really adore the overall environment of PKU. I heard that PKU has a very competitive and fast-paced learning environment, so I’m excited but anxious to face this stringent challenge in the new semester.

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Written by: Fu Jiaqi, Wang Jia En
Interviewed by: Wang Jia En, Fu Jiaqi
Edited by: Dennis Meng
Photos by: Liu Yueling, Li Xianghua, Teng Rong, Lu Zan, Wang Ziqian, Hu Chenyang, Gan Jia Xuan