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PKU students awarded “Best Solver“ in SAT Challenge
Jul 12, 2012

Peking University, July 11, 2012: The 15th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT 2012) was held recently in Italy, when the result of SAT Challenge was released. The innovation “CCASat” of several Ph.D. candidates from School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) at Peking University (PKU) was awarded “Best Solver” in the Random Track with the resolution rate of 70.5% among all the 600 problems, which was the first championship of Asians in the contest.



The Sequential Random SAT Track was one of the three main tracks, and the PKU student representatives were competing with teams from Columbia University, Brown University, Ulm University and BGW.


Noticeably, CCASat was equipped with a brand innovative algorithm, while its counterparts in the other two main tracks were based on existing solvers.


Written by: Bai Bing

Edited by: Arthars

Source: PKU News (Chinese)
