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Guo Shaojun elected as Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC)
Oct 12, 2018
Peking University, Oct. 9, 2018: Recently, Guo Shaojun, a professor from College of Engineering of Peking University, has received the certificate announcing that he has been elected as Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry in recognition of his research contributions.

Certificate of Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry

Guo Shaojun’s research focuses on electro-catalysis, battery and sensing material. Among other achievements, he has made significant progress in the field of stress/ strain regulation of energy electro-catalysis. As the result of the independent work, he has published on the most influential periodicals, such as Science and Nature Reviews Materials, more than 70 papers, among which 50 have been selected into ESI Top 1% most cited papers. Guo Shaojun has been awarded Highly Cited Researchers (2014-2017), ISE-Elsevier Prize for Applied Electrochemistry (2016), Elsevier Chinese Most Cited Researchers (2017) etc. He has made more than 20 keynote reports or special reports on international meetings.

Guo Shaojun

The Royal Society of Chemistry, as the international authoritative academic institution and one of the most influential societies in the world, was established in 1841. Individuals are eligible to become Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry due to their excellent achievements in chemical science research or great contribution to development of chemical sciences.

Written by: Wang Xiaokun

Edited by: Hu Rong

Source: PKU News (