Peking University, Jan. 22, 2012: Professor Li Zhanguo from Department of Rheumatology and Immunology, PKU People’s Hospital, was elected recently to be president of the International League of Associations for Rheumatology (ILAR) by the ILAR Executive Committee in Washington, D.C.
It was the first time that a rheumatologist from Asia has become president of ILAR. Since ILAR’s establishment in 1927, the position had always been taken up by the rheumatologists from Europe, the US and Australia.
The ILAR consists of the American College of Rheumatology (ACR), the African League of Rheumatology (AFLAR), the Asia Pacific League of Associations of Rheumatology (APLAR), the European League against Rheumatism (EULAR), and the Pan-American League of Associations for Rheumatology (PANLAR). It focuses on the missions to advance rheumatology in developing countries and to support programs that lead to progress in the practice and education of rheumatology in countries where there is an exceptional need.
Background Info:
Professor Li Zhanguo, director of the Department of Rheumatology and Immunology of Peking University Health Science Center, specializes in immunotherapy, pathogenesis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other rheumatic diseases.
Li got his Ph.D. from the University of Sydney and pursued his post doctoral research at Harvard University.
Li is also president-elect of the APLAR, president of the Chinese Rheumatology Association, and chief editor of the Chinese Journal of Rheumatology. He has published papers on Immunology, Cellular Immunology, Arthritis & Rheumatism, and other influential academic publications in the world.
Written by: Zhao Ning
Edited by: Zhang Jiang
Source: ILAR, PKU People’s Hospital, and PKU News (Chinese)