Peking University, Apr. 14, 2013: The PKU “Physical Health Evaluation and Health Risk Assessment” activity is launched this month. PKU faculty members and graduate students can check their health and do the fitness test from 10:30 to 19:00 every Wednesday to Friday, April 11-26 at Peking University Gymnasium.
Different from fitness test in a hospital, it evaluates not only the testees’ physical status, but also systematically and comprehensively assesses their health risk. Besides of receiving information on their personal physical status, testees get offered scientific fitness instructions.
The test is composed of three parts: National Physique Monitoring standards test, health risk assessment and lifestyle survey. National Physique Monitoring standards test includes height, weight, vital capacity, Harvard step test, choice reaction time, vertical jump, standing on one foot with eyes closed, handgrip strength, push-up (male age≤40) and sit-up( female age≤40). Health risk assessment includes body composition, bone density, mental stress, sub-health condition and diabetes risk . The test reports are printed and given to each participant。
The test is co-organized by PKU Department of Physical Education, Labor Union, Graduate School, and implemented by the PKU Sports &Health Center.
Written by: Mou Xintong
Edited by: Zhao Xiaowei, Armin Reinartz