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“Song of Youth” Recruiting Theme Song Lyrics
Apr 06, 2009

PekingUniversity, Beijing, April 6, 2009:This year is the 90thAnniversary of the May 4thMovement, also the 60th China’s Youth Day. In celebration of such a special day, Peking University is preparing the musical “Song of Youth” to be opened on May 4th. The novel “Song of Youth” is one of China’s most excellent pieces of modern literature. The main characters in the story are all students of PKU, some even playing key roles in the first December 9th Student Movement. In the forty some years the novel has been published, some five million copies have been printed, impacting generations of readers. It has since then been rewritten into movies, plays and TV series.


PKU’s presentation of the “Song of Youth” as a musical holds significant historical and practical meaning being that it is the birthplace of the May 4th new culture movement. PKU’s Musical Research Department is being in-charge of all aspects of the musical including creation, presentation, production etc. To allow the staff and student body to be more involved in the process, the production group is recruiting Lyrics for the theme song of “Song of Youth”. All are welcome to submit their work. The requirements are as follow:


1.     The meaning of the lyrics must be positive, reflecting PKU’s tradition and modern style, representing the ideals of the youth in the theme of patriotism, as well as the youth’s historical mission and social responsibilities while all the same being trendy.

2.     The lyrics must fit the melody of “Song of Youth”.

The melody can be found at: copy and paste the address in your browser if the link does not open)

3.     Lyric submission ends on April 15, 2009 at 15:00

4.     Please submit your work to: pkuqczg@126.comincluding in your message the creator’s resume and contact information

5.     Copyright: after the selection, the copyrights to the lyrics will be bought in a one-time deal, the copyrights will belong to PKU’s Musical Research Department; the author will have the right of lyrics authorship to the “Song of Youth”.

6.     Event sponsors reserves the right of explanation.

Contact information: PKU Musical “Song of Youth” Production Crew 58876790 X236


Edited by: Wang Yi

Translated by: Connie Chang
