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PKU “Kawai Venture Capital“ 2010 to Sponsor Student Teams
Oct 28, 2010

Peking University, Oct. 26, 2010: On the afternoon of Oct. 23, the reviewing defense for 2010 PKU Youth League Committee “Kawai Venture Capital” was held at PKU. After heated competition, five teams won the sponsorship.


This year, 21 teams had signed up for the “Kawai” program since the application for the campaign commenced in May. More than 90 team members from over 10 schools and departments took part in the campaign. Entries this year covered various fields such as healthcare, information technology, energy conservation and emission reduction, education, and traditional process. Compared with that in previous years, some of the works this year stepped into the process of an actual start. Eight teams were qualified for the reviewing defense.


The reviewing defense this year took a form of secrecy. Teams in competition were asked to present for judges their projects’ concepts, functioning modes, marketing expectation, etc. through living statements under the help of corresponding PPT.


Five judges from venture capital companies judging from each team’s business plan and statement on live inquired into every project’s core concerns such as its feasibility and marketing expectation, before they gave pertinent advises on product innovation, financial planning, marketing strategy, etc. according to the abundance of their professional management concepts and practical experience. Finally, venture teams of Shuoke Aineng Technology Co., Ltd, Kuodi Web 3.0 Individualistic Websites, Linda Co., Ltd, Xinyi Portable Healthcare Detector for Family, and “One & One” Healthcare Information Service Co., Ltd stood out as winners of “Kawai Venture Capital” sponsorship. The awarding ceremony is to be held soon.


Sponsored by Japan's General Engineering Co., Ltd, the fund has benefited 25 teams and 180 students from Peking University since 2005, enhancing the entrepreneurship and practical abilities of college students.


On behalf of Mitsumasa Kawai, president and CEO of the corporation, the Japanese delegation led by Katsuo Hasegawa visited PKU and signed the cooperation agreement in March for this year's venture capital competition.



Extended Reading:

The 11th “PKU Science & Technology Park Cup" Students’ Business Plan Competition Launched



Translated by: ZHAO Ning

Edited by: Jacques

Source: PKU News (Chinese)


