Peking University, Mar. 27, 2012: On Mar. 22, the opening ceremony of Asian International Model UN 2012 (AIMUN 2012) was held at Qiulin Lecture Hall, Peking University (PKU), with the attendance of Mr. Chen Jian, former UN Under-Secretary-General, Mr. Ruan Mingyu, Counselor of Embassy of Vietnam, Mr. Aleksandar Jankovic, Counselor of Embassy of Serbia, Ms. Emma Banes, First Secretary of the British Embassy, and Prof. Wang Yizhou, Vice Dean of School of International Studies, Peking University.
The AIMUN 2012 was to last four days, with the participation of 472 representatives from one hundred universities from twenty or more countries and areas. It was hosted by PKU MUN, assisted by School of International Studies, and sponsored by PKU Education Foundation.
The success of the opening ceremony promised the success of the following three days. Mr. Chen Jian gave a speech on the ceremony, where the significance of MUN was stressed. He encouraged representatives to bear the regional and cultural differences in mind and make efforts to understand each other before they raised various constructive suggestions to solve more practical problems. Other guests spoke and expressed their good will as well.
The MUN is an international organization for college students, aiming at furthering their understanding of the UN affairs, developing in them a sharp sense of international relations, and promoting their level of international politics. It is a new method of international and quality education, adopted by all the famous universities in the world. PKU MUN is the biggest MUN organization in mainland China, as well as the only one that is international. AIMUN, with all its notions, as the first MUN organization that focuses on Asia, has developed rapidly during the recent ten years. The AIMUN 2012 is of wide participation and affluent sponsorship. Its subject, emphasizing on the importance of untraditional security at present, is “Global Cooperation under the Untraditional Security Environment.” Issues such as energy utilization, gender equality, financial crisis, the Gulf War, and Libya are covered.
The conclusion was made by PKU MUN Secretary-General Li Shicong, who announced the commencement of the conference. During the following days, guests and representatives, apart from attending the conference, would also participate in various activities.
Written by: Zhao Ning
Edited by: Cao Yixing
Source: PKUNews (Chinese)