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My PKU Story | An Xinyu: Graduation, end and new start
Jul 10, 2023
By An Xinyu

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An Xinyu at the graduation ceremony

Editor’s note: Graduation symbolizes a significant transition, marking the culmination of years of hard work and studious dedication, as one embarks on a fresh chapter in life. To celebrate this graduation season, PKU News has invited graduates to reflect upon their experiences at the University and is publishing a collection of stories under the theme "My PKU Story." In the following article, An Xinyu, a graduate of the School of Foreign Languages, tells her tale as an English major, bids farewell to her alma mater, and envisages her postgraduate studies.

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Peking University, July 10, 2023: After four years of studying English at Peking University, now I’m embarking on one of the most important days in my life, that is, my graduation. Before recalling the time at PKU, let’s first say Happy Graduation to Me!

Graduation certainly signifies an end for me. When I first came to PKU, I chose English as my major because I was (and am now) very interested in English language, so I wish to be an excellent English speaker. During my time in the English Department, I honed my skills in critical reading and academic research, while also expanding my reading repertoire. Moreover, thanks to the diverse range of liberal education courses, I acquired knowledge in various domains such as music, art, science, and politics. I also developed practical skills in scientific experimentation and computer technology. I feel quite grateful to all my professors and teachers I met in these four years, for they are not only the ones who give me knowledge, but also the examples that let me know how to be fully devoted to the career I love and to the development of their students, and even the whole society. 

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I would also like to express my gratitude to PKU for providing me with abundant chances and space to improve myself. One of the most memorable experiences during my time at PKU was my exchange experience at the National University of Singapore in 2020, which broadened my understanding of Singapore, exposed me to an international setting, and enhanced my English-speaking abilities and research skills.

Meanwhile, the diverse array of clubs, activities, and comprehensive logistical support provided by the university enabled me to make many friends and grow in various aspects of my life. I feel very honored and happy to have been part of this community, where care and opportunities for development abound. Now as I graduate, my memory of the happy life here will round off my experience of four years at PKU. I would like to say sincerely that “Thank you, PKU!”

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However, graduation is also a new start for me. Upon completion of my studies at PKU, I will go to Xi’an Jiaotong University to study as a postgraduate in English Translation and Interpretation. This next chapter in my life offers an opportunity to further enhance my proficiency in both English and Chinese and continue pursuing my career aspirations. I aspire to become an excellent translator one day, and serve as the bridge between different cultures and people, to deepen the mutual understanding among the nations and close the gap of communication. I am determined to work hard towards this goal. Now, at the threshold of this new beginning, I envision myself growing firmly and rapidly.

In closing, graduation is not only an end to my past but also a new start for my future. Wish my passion for English to never cease, and wish myself and PKU both a glorious future!

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More from this series: 

My PKU Story | Life as an international student in China and PKU

My PKU Story | Vincent Jeong: Farewell PKU, my second home

My PKU Story | Cherlin Xu: Grow as I graduate

Edited by: Dennis Meng
Photos by: An Xinyu